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music and me高中英语作文 music and me作文高中


 I like listening tu music,When I am happy,loud rock music make me excited andactive ,But when I am unhappy,loud music makes me feel bored and angry,So when I am unhappy,I also listen to soft music,it makes me feel relak and calm down,popular music is my favorite,it s a kind of strong music,Popular music always makes me want to dance.


you may think you see

who i really am

but you&39;ll never know me

every day

it&39;s as if i play a part

now i see

if i wear a mask

i can fool the world

but i cannot fool

my heart

who is that girl i see

staring straight back at me?

when will my reflection show

who i am inside? i am now in a world

where i have to

hide my heart

and what i believe in

but somehow

i will show the world

what&39;s inside my heart

and be loved for who i am

who is that girl i see

staring straight back at me?

why is my reflection

someone i don&39;t know?

must i pretend that i&39;m

someone else for all time?

when will my reflection show

who i am inside?

there&39;s a heart that must

be free to fly

that burns with a need

to know the reason why

why must we all conceal

what we think

how we feel?

must there be a secret me

i&39;m forced to hide?

i won&39;t pretend that i&39;m

someone else

when will my reflection show







《高中生杰出作文一本全》是2010年02月由 朝华出版社出版的图书,作者是王伟营。该书主要介绍了适用于高中生进修和借鉴的杰出作文。



On Stress 压力




With the fast are pace of modern life, more and more people are living under great pressure.

Some people are afraid of pressure. They think that the stresses and strains of work deprive them of joy and happiness. In their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally. That is why they prefer something less competitive and strenuous to something more demanding and challenging.



在人生大舞台上尽情展现自己的风采。试想,一 个懒散没有压力的人是怎样的堕落与沉寂。他只会为别人的成功而喝彩。而自己却事无成,安于现状,任岁月蹉跎,在风尘中死去。  压力又一个恶魔。它使得几许人跌入失败的深渊,进入伤心的沼泽地。下由于这压力,使得他们从此没了昔的欢声笑语,没有往日自信的面庞,没有勇壮去面对生活中一切的一切。此时,压力似乎是罪大恶极的。  或许,每个人都不想饱尝压力下悲怆的惨痛吧?那么,御下你的包袱,活得潇洒自如些。有这样则故事:   两 个人一同经过宝藏地带。那里有琳琅满目的珠宝、紫宝石、玛瑙、、、、、、无奇不有,层出不穷。其中一个人很是贪婪,不住地往自己口袋里塞宝贝。而另一个人 却只挑选了一颗最漂亮的蓝宝石。两人走了一段时刻后,就拉开了距离。背着沉重宝贝的那个人累得气喘吁吁,上气不接下气,为了赶路,只好不停地忍痛割爱,丢 弃自己的宝贝。  当到达目的地时,他已累得不省人事了。而他手中却连一颗宝石也没有了。只拿了一颗宝石的那个人却安然无恙。有人问他:“你何故能这么轻松地到达目的地?”“由于我始终只有一颗宝石。”   我们且不论其贪婪与否。只拿了一颗宝石的人,正是由于没有给自己背上沉重的包袱,因此以很轻松地成功了。  生活中不能没有压力,但不能过量。生活因压力而精妙,人类因压力而有不懈的动力。但生活也因压力而沉重。放平你心中的砝码,调节好压力吧!


孵小鸡 今天奶奶从老家回来,姑姑给她带回了一篮鸡蛋。由于我特别想养小动物,便偷偷地拿一个鸡蛋就跑到屋里学着母鸡的样子孵小鸡。 我把鸡蛋放在棉袄与身体的夹层里,趴在写字桌上,边写作业,边想:我的小鸡快要出壳了。特别钟过去了,半个小时过去了,怎样一点动静也没有?我有些不耐烦了,不停的把鸡蛋拿出来,一会儿看看。直到我的作业做完了,小鸡也没有出壳。 妈妈下班后,我把孵鸡蛋的事务告诉妈妈,妈妈笑着说:傻孩子,你可知道母鸡孵小鸡是要有耐心的,而且母鸡孵小鸡时身体的温度要比平时高很多,只有时刻和温度同时达到了,小鸡才可能会出生。 通过这件事,我知道做任何事务都要有耐心,而且还要有科学的技巧。

九、a meaningful thing高中作文?

A meaningful thing today was Sunday,and it was fine .I had free time to go to Nanjiao Park with all of my classmates.

  In the morning,we took the bus to Nanjiao Park and it took us one hour to arrive there.We climbed the hill ,sang songs and played some games that can keep us healthy and relaxed.We were happy the whole morning.

  At noon,we finished the meal and organized a activity.We showed the importance of protecting enviornment to visitors.And the visitors were very kind and took an active part in our activity.They also realised the importance of protecting our environment,and determined to stop environment from being polluted.It made us happy,because everyone was trying to protect the environment.

  In the afternoon,we went back at 4 o&39;clock .


